To use the UCMS File Checker program: - Copy UCMS_FileChecker.exe anywhere you would like. It does not have to be in the same location as the files. - Click on the CMS_FileChecker.exe. This will start the program. - Click the BROWSE button. This will open a window that will let you select your file. - After selecting the file to be checked, the CHECK FILE button will be visible. - Click the CHECK FILE button if you want to validate the file. - If you selected the wrong file, you may click on the BROWSE button and select another file. - Once you have the right file to check, click on CHECK FILE button. A log file will be created with the same name as the original with a _log.txt file name. For example: FTP_UC2A_7665010424.ICS will produce this log file FTP_UC2A_7665010424.ICS_log.txt - The log file will be put in the same location as the file that was checked and will over write any previous log files of the same name. - The log file can be viewed in Notepad or Wordpad. - At the end of the file check, you will be given a chance to print the file. You do not have to print it. You may say no to printing it and just view it electronically. Or, you may print it later. - When an error is found, the log file will identify the line number and field that is in error and try to give a description of the error. - Fix any errors and recheck the file. - When the file is completely correct, you will receive only one message in the logfile and that will say the file is GOOD.